Thought Leadership

Common Cents Blog

U2 Shouldn’t Be Superstitious

I am not an overly superstitious person. Black cats don’t faze me. Broken mirrors aren’t an issue. Horoscopes are a complete waste of time, as are fortune cookies. Walking under a ladder doesn’t give me pause,…

Common Cents Blog

Financing Tomfoolery

I am of an age where any reminisces I might have come across as waxing nostalgic to young people. Yes, I remember when I could buy a Sprite in an insulated bottle at barbershop for 15¢.…

Common Cents Blog

The Government Shutdown Lowdown

Last night, my wife asked me what I thought about the impending government shutdown. Would it ruin the economy? Is the government really out of money? You know Molly (a friend) has already been furloughed up…