Thought Leadership

We believe communication is the key to successful client relationships. While sharing useful information is beneficial, regardless of source, Oakworth believes in the value proposition of developing and having its own experts and ideas. By generating our own market commentaries, economic newsletters, topical subject analysis and serials, and even conversational podcasts and videos, our clients know we are using our knowledge, creativity and expertise to help them succeed.

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Common Cents Blog

Cutting the Budget. If Not Now, When?

Depending on your point of view, the first several weeks of the second Trump administration have been either invigorating or infuriating. They certainly haven’t been boring. However, will all of the upset apple carts ultimately be…

Trading Perspectives Podcast

Is This the Golden Age?

John Norris (00:30):Well, hello again, everybody. This is John Norris at Trading Perspectives. As always, we have my good friend Sam. Sam, say hello. Sam Clement (00:35):John, how are you doing? John Norris (00:37):I’m doing fantastically.…

Trading Perspectives Podcast

Peace to Last or Peace for Now?

John Norris (00:30): Well, hello again everybody. This is John Norris trading perspectives. As always, we have a good friend, Sam Clement. Sam, say hello, Sam Clement (00:35): John. How are you doing? John Norris (00:36):…