Thought Leadership

Corporate Fraud Prevention

Business Email Compromise

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a direct attack that exploits and targets individuals through social engineering tactics, such as impersonating an executive, vendor, or associate or stealing credentials in order to get an associate to share…

Corporate Fraud Prevention

What is Payments Fraud?

Have you safeguarded your hard-earned assets against fraud? Scammers continue to grow more creative than ever; masters of modern-day deceit that will strike when least expected, often disguised as someone you trust. According to the Association…

Common Cents Blog

When Isn’t Money an Object?

Recently, my wife has become almost obsessed with the evening news. While she has always been mostly on top of the passing scene, the current news cycle has both fascinated and scared her significantly. I doubt…

Macro & Market Perspectives

Economic Overview

Even if the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) report for the 3rd quarter ultimately looks different than it did the first two quarters of 2023, the economic data felt very similar in a lot of ways. The…

Macro & Market Perspectives

Higher For Longer

The phrase “higher for longer” is getting a lot of air time and press lately. What exactly does it mean? Why now? and How will it affect the economy and financial markets going forward? What it…