Private & Commercial Banking

The Housing Market: Is It Time to Worry?

Although it has been well over a decade ago, the bursting of the US housing bubble from 2007-2009 still looms large in the minds of many homeowners, and for good reason. From the end of 2006…

5 Year-End Tax Planning Strategies for 2021

The end of the year is quickly approaching and as people turn their attention to holiday celebrations with friends and family, taxes are naturally the last thing on their minds. However, implementing one or more of…

Unemployment Identity Theft

Unemployment Fraud is on the rise across the country and it’s been said that we should expect to see an increase in these types of crimes in the months ahead.  This is a form of identity…

Protecting Your Relief Check

While the relief checks are starting to be sent out, the safety and security of our clients, their families, and their commercial interest is our main priority. Please remember that while you are working from the…

Resources for Business Owners Impacted by COVID-19

Resources for Business Owners impacted by COVID-19 To say that the past few weeks have been unprecedented would be the biggest understatement of this very young decade.   While everyone is likely to feel some impact from…

Understanding Employee Stock Options

What are my options?  Employee stock options can be a great way to build long term wealth and participate in the growth of a company.  However, when it comes time to utilize those options there can…

What is the Best Way to Save for College?

Written by: Alice B. Womack, Associate Managing Director, Private Banking There are a variety of ways to save for college and the single best way to save is dependent on your financial picture.  Regardless of the…

Why is Prime Rate Important?

Written by: Michael Mims, Managing Director, Private banking The Prime Rate or Prime Lending Rate is generally accepted as the interest rate banks charge their best clients.  Prime Lending Rate changes anytime the Federal Open Market…

What is Cash Flow Planning?

Written by: Michael Mims, Managing Director, Private banking Cash Flow Planning is basically a strategic plan to review anticipated revenues / income and expenses / cash outflows over a defined period of time. Cash Flow Planning…