Thought Leadership

Macro & Market Perspectives

Economic Overview

At the start of 2023, analysts and investors were very worried about the prospects for a recession. They also believed the Federal Reserve would start cutting the overnight lending target rate at some point during the…

Macro & Market Perspectives

2023: The Year In Review

The year 2023 was a year when things ultimately worked out for domestic investors, somehow. From high-profile bank failures to war in the Middle East to domestic labor strife to higher interest rates to discord in…

Common Cents Blog

Crypto for Grandma

As many of you might know, this week, the SEC approved exchange traded funds (ETFs) which invest in or otherwise track the performance of cryptocurrencies/Bitcoin. This was not a surprise even if the timing of the…

Common Cents Blog

Who is Singing Johnny Paycheck in December?

This morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released “The Employment Situation – December 2023.” The headline number was pretty decent. Apparently, the economy created 216,000 net, new payroll jobs last month. Let’s just say, it…

Common Cents Blog

2023 In The Rearview Mirror

2023 is in the rearview mirror. It seems time tends to speed up the older you get. This is one of life’s little tricks, as is giving you children when you are young, naïve and unable…

Common Cents Blog

The Turning Point in Inflation

Unless you really don’t follow the markets, you know the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) met this past week and didn’t actually do anything. By that, I mean it did not raise or lower the target…