Thought Leadership

Trading Perspectives Podcast

The Inevitable Energy Crunch

The world’s population is growing. Most of these people will be in third-world countries. They will aspire to have creature comforts Americans take for granted. Things like appliances and central air. In the United States, accelerated…

Common Cents Blog

Iced Tea and the Markets

Compared to last week’s excitement, these past 5 trading sessions have almost felt like sleepwalking. It has been decidedly slower in terms of meaningful earnings announcements, economic reports and news from the Federal Reserve. So much…

Common Cents Blog

What’s All the Yelling About?

This morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released “The Employment Situation – April 2024.” To say it was a mediocre report would be a disservice to mediocrity in general. I won’t bore you with the…

Common Cents Blog

Your Summer Forecast In April.

On Wednesday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) informed the world the U.S. economy grew at a 1.6% annualized rate during the 1st quarter of 2024. This was considerably less than the median estimate in the…