Thought Leadership

Macro & Market Perspectives

Economic Overview

In 2024, particularly during the 3rd quarter, the only economic releases that have truly mattered relate to either labor markets or inflation. Everything else has been almost irrelevant. The ISM Report(s)on business? Big deal. Durable goods…

Common Cents Blog

The CPI’s Importance is Inflated

This week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report for September 2024. It reported the aggregate CPI was up 0.2% last month, and has increased 2.4% over the previous 12…

Trading Perspectives Podcast

The High Cost of Having Fun

Listen to the full episode, here.  John Norris (00:30): Well, hello again everybody. This is John Norris at Trading Perspectives. As always, we have my good friend, Sam Clement. Sam, say hello, (00:36): John. How are…

Trading Perspectives Podcast

Chinese Sunset

Listen to the full episode, here.  John Norris (00:30): Well, hello again everybody. This is John Norris at Trading Perspectives. As always, we have our good friend, Sam Clement. Sam, say hello, Sam Clement (00:36): John…