Thought Leadership

Common Cents Blog

Labor Market Excitement!

This morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released “The Employment Situation – June 2023.” It reported the U.S. economy created 209K net, new payroll jobs last month. 60K were in the public sector and 149K…

Common Cents Blog

Words from the Wise

Today’s societal discord suggests Americans aren’t on the same page about who, or what, we are as a country. While differences of opinion are to be expected in society, a dismissal or misunderstanding of what unites…

Common Cents Blog

Did You Forget About the G-7, Too?

This weekend, the G-7 Summit will take place in Hiroshima, Japan. Given that city’s economic importance, its selection as the host city was symbolic. Regardless, you are forgiven if you missed the news about the conference.…