Trading Perspectives Podcast
Suburban vs Urban Living Many residents across the country are leaving city centers and moving to suburban areas of town. Generally, the attraction to living in downtown areas is the cultural amenities. Access to restaurants, theaters,…
Tesla: What’s the Difference? Tesla stock has been performing exceptionally well since the middle of last year. It is now is up over 40% in less than 2 weeks. The immediate thought is, what changed? But…
Reshaping the College Experience Harvard recently announced that all classes will remain online for the fall semester, yet tuition is staying the same. Given Harvard’s reputation, it is almost certain that other colleges will follow suit.…
The 2nd Wave of Coronavirus Many states have recently announced an increase in Coronavirus cases. Some states have already started shutting down businesses again. In a consumer driven economy, shutting down establishments that employ people essentially…
Economic Recovery What happens to the economy if & when all the relief packages expire this summer? Will the economy stay afloat or will it have to learn how to swim again? There has been some good…
Economic Recovery The economic data has improved, but how good is it really? Is it too early to call for a V-shaped recovery? Or are the recent economic reports signs of good times to come? In…
Defunding Police Forces With the recent riots and protests happening across the country, many people are pushing to defund police forces. Some want to transform police forces whereas others want to completely disband them. Dismantling law…
Reality: The Markets vs Real Life It’s no doubt that we’ve seen some terrible economic data since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and now we are seeing riots and protests across the country. Yet somehow…
China and The Hong Kong Economy China is trying to exert increasingly great authority over the Hong Kong government and economy. For years it’s been one country 2 systems. We saw protests last year before the…
Trading Perspectives Podcast #89: The Impact of Unemployment on Society
The Impact of Unemployment on Society In the last 2 months, America has lost decades worth of jobs. 2-3 million people a week are filing initial jobless claims. What does that mean for society in terms…