My mother is the most pragmatic person I have ever met, or will likely ever meet. She doesn’t suffer fools and is not given to flights of fancy. Perhaps for this reason, she basically just went…
Thought Leadership
TGIF. I used to think the expression “Thank God it’s Friday” was a bit sophomoric. Is your job really that bad? Are your plans for the weekend really that good? Is that all you have to…
For those of us working in the financial industry during the 2008 Crisis, the last several days have had an uncomfortable element of déjà vu. First, cryptocurrency darling Silvergate Bank was the first to close last…
Here we go again, building walls of worry. To be sure, the news makes it pretty easy for us to do. Nothing seems to be hitting on all cylinders, does it? However, this past week took…
Yesterday, the Federal Reserve Chairman spoke to the Senate Banking Committee. Investors didn’t love what he had to say. The following quote from Nick Timiraos at the Wall Street Journal pretty much sums it up: “The…
This morning I had a meeting at a coffee shop in Mountain Brook Village here in the Birmingham area. I have lived in this particular suburb for most of my life. As I was waiting, I…
This past week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its much anticipated inflation figures for January. No one was expecting prices to fall, as they did in December. Investors just hoped the data would be…
Last week I was in the Nashville area on business and was fortunate to have dinner with a close childhood friend. He is conversant on a variety of topics, even if he isn’t always correct. Obviously,…
This morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its monthly report on the health of the US labor markets. It reported the US economy created an eye-popping 517,000 net, new payroll jobs during January. To…
A couple of decades ago, a movie called “The Shipping News” came out. It was an adaptation of a book by the same name by Annie Proulx. If you haven’t seen it yet, there is no…