Some Common Cents for July 8th 2016

This morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the Employment Situation report for June 2016. It was pretty good, as the economy apparently created 287K net new jobs last month. That number is even better when you consider employers only created 11K during May. In truth, this wild swing was undoubtedly due to problems with the ‘seasonal adjustment factors’ the BLS uses to smooth out monthly vagaries. To that end, May job gains were probably understated, and June’s were/are likely overstated. An average of the two months, 149.5K, gives a better picture of the true health of the current job market …Read On…

The opinions expressed within this report are those of John Norris as of the initial publication of this blog. They are subject to change without notice, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oakworth Capital Bank, its directors, shareholders, and employees.