
Some Common (Political) Cents for November 7th 2014

You didn’t really think I wouldn’t write about politics today, did you?

As you know by now, the Republicans thrashed the Democrats in this past Tuesday’s midterm elections. Some commentators have called it historic, although the trouncing the Democrats gave the GOP in 2008 seems, to me, to have been more dramatic. Perhaps that is how I roll.

What now?

I am certain President Obama is wondering just what the American public doesn’t understand. After all, this morning, he Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced the economy created 214K net, new payroll jobs in October, and the Unemployment Rate fell to 5.8%. What’s more, a week or so ago, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported the economy grew at a 3.5% annual clip during the 3rd Quarter.  Finally, the annual Federal budget deficit has shrunk to very manageable levels.

Yeah, he must be stewing in his own pudding right about now. What’s not to like about those numbers? Although the President and I have seem to have differing worldviews, I am going to steal a line from another Democrat and reach out to the man: “I feel your pain.”…Read On…