This past Sunday, my wife and I drank coffee and watched the morning news programs. At some point, the noise from the TV, histrionics actually, became ambient. To be sure, I am certain the commentators thought they were being terribly insightful, but I didn’t think so. It was so much Newspeak, a la 1984, to me, and I ultimately tuned it out.
Perhaps there was something subliminal happening, because a feeling on unease came over me. I would stop way short of calling it foreboding. It was just a sneaking suspicion things weren’t exactly quite right, but I couldn’t have told you what it was. It was weird, but eventually passed.
Laughingly, you could counter the reason for my discontent was I should have been getting ready for church instead of watching television, but I had made plans to go to our afternoon service.
On Wednesday, I watched the Presidential debate, and stayed tuned on CNN afterwards for its analysis. Better put, I stayed tuned to watch what CNN considers analysis, because its panel basically consisted of 7 left wingers beating down on 2 presumably right wingers. More importantly, despite all the weighty issues at hand in a Presidential campaign, the topics for the most discussion, seemingly at the exclusion of all else, were: 1) whether Donald Trump will accept the election results if he loses, and; 2) Trump’s incredibly poor judgement in using the phrase ‘bad hombres’ when discussing his plans to deport undocumented felons.
Admittedly, I am not a political expert, and maybe those things are more important than I would think at first blush. However, if the Secretaries of State of the various states declare their voting results to be valid, does it really matter what Donald Trump thinks about it? He isn’t in a position to stop the transference of power in the White House from Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton. As for ‘bad hombres,’ it was a stupid choice of words, plain and simple. There should have been no reason for argument, debate, or heated discussion. …Read More…
The opinions expressed within this report are those of John Norris as of the initial publication of this blog. They are subject to change without notice, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oakworth Capital Bank, its directors, shareholders, and employees.